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KnowledgeSmart Professional

Our entry level service, for firms who want to assess staff skills on up to 3 different technical software titles.

Professional subscription; a rolling 12-month agreement, which includes unlimited use of 1, 2 or 3 test topics, including tests and re-tests for all in-house teams and new recruits, plus full tech support. A subscription includes any updates to existing test library content and admin dashboard tools, during the course of the year. You can also customize our test material and write your own content.

For firms who require 4+ test modules, an Enterprise subscription is the best option

KnowledgeSmart Enterprise

Our Premier service, for firms who want to assess staff skills across a wide range of technical software titles, processes and standards.


Enterprise subscription; a rolling 12-month agreement, which includes unlimited use of multiple test modules, including tests and re-tests for all in-house teams and new recruits, plus full tech support. A subscription includes any updates to existing test library content and admin dashboard tools, during the course of the year, plus access to new test titles as they are added to the library. You can also customize our test material and write your own content.

Pricing is based on the number of technical software users in a firm. Enterprise usually applies for firms who want 4+ test modules. For firms who require 1-3 test modules, a Professional subscription is the best option.

KnowledgeSmart Interview Only

A low cost option for firms who only want to assess the technical software skills of applicants at interview.

If you only need to test technical software skills for an occasional interview candidate, but do not wish to extend your assessment program to include in-house teams, then this is the option for you.

KS charges a straightforward Pay-As-You-Go fee of AUD50 / GBP50 / E50 / USD50 per test, for interview candidates. KnowledgeSmart will invoice you at the end of each month for the number of tests taken during the month. You will not be charged for any tests taken whilst setting up the KS tools.

You will also have access to an online dashboard, where you can view your candidate results data. The KS PAYG license does not extend to customizing our test material or writing your own content.

KnowledgeSmart Education

A comprehensive site license for Education Providers, at a low price.


KnowledgeSmart's innovative skills assessment tools can be used by universities, engineering and architectural schools, community colleges and trade schools - to help students who are looking to improve their technical skills to gain a better understanding of how they compare to professionals working in industry. Many top 50 firms of Engineers and Architects use KnowledgeSmart to benchmark their CAD & BIM productivity. Detailed feedback highlights specific areas where further learning will improve performance. Students can gauge their ongoing skills development against recognised industry benchmarks. Each student receives a certificate which will enhance their resume and help improve employment prospects after graduation. KnowledgeSmart are proud to be associated with the BE Careers Network from Bentley, which offers support to technical schools, colleges and universities around the world


“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”

Samantha Jones, Project Manager

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”
Samantha Jones, Project Manager


Business Centre Broadacres

Willow wood Office Park

cnr 3rd Avenue and Cedar rd

Broadacres 2021


T: +27 11 064 5663
F: +27 86 2993772

M: +27 83 228 3343

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